Master in Physics of Condensed Matter
and Biological Systems

Nanophysics specialization

Biophysics specialization



Admission requests

Applications for admission will be on-line through the University Official Postgraduate web page: Acceso y Admisión a Másteres Oficiales

Schedule for admission requests:

First enrollment period: 7 February 2023 to 10 April 2023 (For all students, including those not having completed entry qualifications)

Second enrollment period: 1 June 2023 to 1 September 2023 (for any remaining places)


The online matriculation should take place in 5 days after notification of admission

Should you require further information about matriculation procedures, see the University Official Postgraduate web page: Matriculación en Másteres Oficiales


Centro de Estudios de Posgrado
Phone: 91 497 41 10 / 91 497 40 57