Biophysics Specialization



Nanophysics specialization



Period: 1st

ECTS:  6

Course contents:

Topic 1.- Advanced Seminars:

  1. Electronic microscopy and characterization of protein structure. (BIO)
  2.  Near field microscopies (AFM). (BIO, NANO)
  3. Spectroscopic techniques applied to biomolecules. (BIO, NANO)
  4. Plasmon surface resonance. (BIO)
  5. Fluorescence microscopy. (NANO,BIO)
  6. Infrared spectroscopy. (NANO, BIO)
  7. Sensors and materials. (NANO, BIO)
  8. Functionalization of surfaces. (BIO, NANO)

Topic 2Practical Labs

  1. Superconductivity and cryogenics. (CONDMAT)
  2. Magnetism (NANO)
  3. Graphene (NANO)
  4. Surface growth (NANO)
  5. Infrared and ultraviolet spectroscopy.(NANO, BIO)
  6. Fluorescence spectroscopy.(NANO, BIO)
  7. Plasmon surface resonance. (BIO)
  8. Atomic force microscopy in liquids. (NANO, BIO)


Estructura de proteínas. Gómez-Moreno Calera, Sancho Sanz. Ariel Ciencia. 2003.
Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Joseph R. Lakowicz
BIOQUÍMICA, Stryer (2003) Ed. Reverté. 5ª Ed. p 261

PHYSICSL BIOCHEMISTRY, K.E. Van Holde, W.C. Johnson, P.S. Ho (2006) Prentice Hall.

BIOPHYSICS. An introduction. R. Cotterill (2003) Wiley

PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Principles and Applications in Biological Sciences. Tinoco et al (2002) Prentice Hall.

ATKINS, P.W., Química Física 8ª Ed. Panamericana 2008

LEVINE, I.N., Fisicoquímica, Ed. Mc Graw-Hill, Madrid, 2004
-Spectroscopic Methods For Analysis Of Protein Secondary Structure. J.T. Pelton and L.R. McLean. (2000) Analytical Biochemistry, 277, 167-176.
-Quantitative studies of the structure of proteins in solution by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. Arrondo, J.L.R. et al (1993) Prog. Biophys. Molec. Biol. 59, 33.
-Methods for the detection and analysis of protein-protein interactions. T. Berggard, S. Linse, P. James. Proteomics (2007) 2833.
-Isothermal Titration Calorimetry: Experimental Design, Data Analysis, ansd Probing Macromolecule/Ligand Binding and Kinetic Interactions. M.W. Freyer, E.A. Lewis, Methods in Cell Biology Vol 84 (2008) p 79
-Spectroscopic Methods For Analysis Of Protein Secondary Structure. J.T. Pelton and L.R. McLean. (2000) Analytical Biochemistry, 277, 167-176.


Coordinador: Pedro J. de Pablo
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